Habits for Health and Vitality

Drinking Water

Tap water contains impurities such as chlorine, fluoride, lead, PFA's (forever chemicals), traces of pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and herbicides to name a few. A water distiller is an ideal way to purify your drinking water at home. Celtic sea salt (Makai Pure) or Shilajit (mineral pitch) can be used to 'remineralise' the purified water. The impure nature of tap water is reflected in the amount of filth left in the chamber after each distillation! Consuming tap water means that your body is continually filtering out and excreting these impurities. Drinking water should serve to flush impurities from the human body - not deposit them! Distilled water or spring water are the best choices for your health. For more information, please see the links below;

Intermittent fasting

The term 'microbiome' refers to the community of microorganisms that exist in the human body. The microbiome is regulated by the immune system. Regulation of the microbiome is a major factor effecting health and vitality. Much of this regulation occurs throughout the digestive tract (particularly in the small intestines). If food is being continually digested; then the immune system's ability to regulate the microbiome in the gut is diminished to some degree. Intermittent fasting offers a great solution here; if all food intake occurs within a 6-10 hour window then there is more time available for the body to focus it's finite energy reserves on regulating the gut. This is why people often report experiencing an increase of physical and mental energy during a fast. Digestion requires energy! For more information, please see the link below;


Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet encourages low carbohydrate and sugar consumption and high protein and fat consumption. Ketones are a type of chemical produced by the liver as it breaks down fats. Ketones are used for energy production when carbohydrates aren't in abundance. The ketogenic diet seeks to shift the body's metabolism away from carbohydrates and towards fats; helping to lower blood sugar levels. For more information on Ketosis and the effects of refined sugar consumption, please see the links below;

Oxygen Deprivation Breathing Exercises

Oxygen deprivation breathing exercises help to improve 'oxygen efficiency' in the body. As you temporarily starve the body of oxygen it's forced to utilise the available oxygen more efficiently. Increased oxygen efficiency will contribute to improved cellular maintenance and regeneration. After a few sessions, you will notice significant improvements in terms of how long you can hold your breath for.

Oxygen deprivation breathing exercises have also been shown to reduce inflammation in the body by 'resetting' the adrenal glands and lowering cortisol levels. This seems to feel evident after a breathing session; you will feel much lighter and more relaxed. Please see the links below for more information; https://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-techniques

Cold Exposure

Various methods of cold exposure such as taking cold showers, sea swimming and ice baths have become much more prevalent in recent years. This is partly due to society's focus on mental health and the immediate 'feel good' effect that comes from cold exposure. Cold exposure has also been linked to improvements in mental and physical energy, immune function and sleep quality.

The hypothalamus is the area of the brain that regulates body temperature. The hypothalamus is located just above the pituitary gland which regulates endocrine activity in the body. Cold exposure essentially shocks the hypothalamus and effects the membranous tension around the hypothalamus and the Pituitary gland. This allows the body to recalibrate the HPA axis (fight or flight) and lift the mental and physical state of the participant. For more information on cold exposure, please see the links below;


Earthing / Grounding

The earth's surface carries a negative electrical charge. When we come into direct contact with the earth's surface by walking barefoot for example, the electrical charge of the human body is reduced. This phenomenon is known as earthing or grounding. For more information, please see the links below;

Recommended Suppliments

Zinc - Immune system support / chronic inflammation. Can be taken with Vitamin C. Zinc rich foods; meat, dairy, eggs, seeds, legumes, dark chocolate

Copper - Immune system support / SIBO. Copper rich foods; green vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds, peas, potatoes

Olive leaf extract - Immune system support / bacterial infections

Bovine Colostrum - Immune system support / boosts utilisation of vitamin D

Shilajit (contains 86 minerals) - Cellular maintenance /repair. Boosts testosterone